The Hanged Man and the Pieta
Image: Hanged Man from Raider Waite tarot deck Image: Pieta by Michelangelo We all know that the Bible has been rewritten in parts over...

The Value of Emotions
As humans, we have a built-in emotional system, which develops in various ways depending on a person’s experiences, opportunities, and...

How Reiki Works
Reiki is effective for: Awareness Insight Wisdom Personal Growth Our bodies are energetic in nature. Our bones vibrate at lower...

CLAIRAUDIENCE: How do you know if what you are hearing is from Spirit?
Clairaudience means "clear hearing." It is the ability to hear voices from the spiritual realm. A lot of people and my mediumship...

Ancestral Healing: What Is It, and Why Is It Important?
Ancestral Healing: What Is It, and Why Is It Important? “Ancestral Healing” has become sort of a buzzword in spiritual circles. I have...

All about Balance: As Above, So Below
©Wendy Cooper Balance of our inner and outer worlds is key to our wellbeing. As above, so below. What does this mean? It has a few...

What are Flower Essences?
What are flower essences? Flowers have specific vibratory frequencies which are referred to as their essence just as every human has...

Multi-dimensional Mediumship. What is it?
What is a multi-dimensional medium? First, mediums are those who can sense and see energy with their clair-senses, such as clairvoyance....

Buddha's Lotus
I channeled this while in the energy of Buddha. You are already that which you seek. Go inside the petals of your lotus flower. See...

New Moon in Aquarius: New Perspectives
Written while working with an Arcturian spirit guide: This New Moon in Aquarius is significant. It is ushering in a new era, and a shift...